à la recherche d'un cercle

text photo written by Clarissa Fornara

The more I advanced in my artistic journey, the more I began to ask myself questions about the importance of the visual elements in my drawings. I asked myself questions like: is each corner, each line or each point of the drawing important? And, is the color the same important? If I look at the upper left corner of a drawing and see a black dot, does it matter? Does it have its purpose or is it just an accident caused by a clumsy movement of the artist?
Of course accidents have the power to help us break down the wall of rules we have set ourselves, and to create new ones instead, and thus progress. But first we must know and master these rules, so that we can be able to recognize the accident, accept it, and make a conscious will of it in such a way that in the end, no one sees that It was an accident, since it is no longer one.
I realized that every artistic element is of critical importance. I could no longer see or put a point without asking myself what is its importance, what is its role, what is hidden behind? This is what I seek to discover and tell in my work.
This is also a story about a journey and a discovery.
-text from the author-

this picture show:

1.-9. drawings

The dot is the smallest artistic element, I expanded that dot a little and made a kind of parallelepiped, from where we will start this exercise.
As an introduction to the story that begins calmly and introduces you to its content, the color reflects this in the way that all the fundamental colors used in this project are found in this first 9. drawings.
Here I follow Johannes Itenn and Art de la couleur, successive contrast and simultaneous contrast. « This is why we can say that a composition of two or more colors gives a gray mixture if it has the three fundamental colors. Yellow, red and blue can therefore be considered as all the colors that can exist. To be satisfied, the eye requires this tonality; we are then in the presence of a harmonious balance.

this picture shows:

10. -15. drawings

As we go into the plot, the colors starts to reflect that. It changes randomly. Randomly also reflects the place in the story where I start looking for a circle and I still don't have a single clue where I'm going, how I'm going to get there. The color of the shadow in the previous drawing will become the color of the object in the next one(except 14. and 15. )For the last two drawings I alternate complementary colors. I'm looking for a circle. For each drawing, I first constructed a paper model.



applied discovery

color wheel for this exercise

research drawings before the very beginning of the exercise


paper models